Terrie Corbett - in front of “9th Street Jazz” Venvi Gallery

Terrie Corbett - in front of “9th Street Jazz” Venvi Gallery

About Terrie

Terrie and her husband, Chuck Corbett share a studio in Tallahassee. She is a member of International Encaustic Artists, the Encaustic Art Institute, Council on Culture and the Arts (COCA), the Artists Guild of Gadsden Art Center and Museum, Artists League of the Big Bend (ALBB), Southern Art Glass Alliance (SAGA), Cold Wax Academy, and Catalyst Art Lab. 

Over the last 20 years, she has served as an artist liaison on the Florida Committee for the National Museum of Women in the Arts, as the Artists’ Representative - Board of Directors for the LeMoyne Center for Arts, as a member of the Board of Directors for The 621 Gallery, as an Area Director for the Florida Artists Group, and Terrie held multiple committee chairs for the former Artists League of the FSU MoFA. Terrie also taught for Very Special Arts Florida for many years and also for Artists in the School for Leon County, FL. 

She has exhibited throughout the State and around the country. In the Spring of 2022, she had a one woman exhibition in the Munroe Gallery at the Gadsden Art Center and Museum entitled "Beyond the Familiar."  That exhibition followed her one woman show in the Fall of 2020 at the Tallahassee International Airport entitled "Many Voices - One Heart."  She has received recognition in several publications and awards in a variety of juried exhibitions.  Those awards may be seen in her resume.   Terrie's work was nominated for and then  selected for the "30 for 30" exhibition in celebration of the 30th anniversary of Council on Culture and the Arts, (those artists were selected whose work and influence has contributed to the arts in the community over the last 30 years).  

In addition to exhibiting, since 2000, Terrie has curated, mounted, or coordinated ten (10) exhibitions for regional visual art centers, museums, and art spaces. In 2018, 2015, and 2003 she coordinated 3 exhibitions for the Artists' League at the Florida Capitol ("Vision and Variety," "Encore: Vision and Variety," and "The Way We See It."  In 2018, she  mounted an exhibition entitled "Leaving Our Mark" at the LeMoyne Center for the Visual Arts. In 2016, she mounted "Inner Space," in the Walmsley Gallery, at the Florida State University Museum of Fine Arts featuring work by the Neo Abstract Expressionists' Guild. In 2014, she developed an exhibition called "Glass at the Walmsley,"  in the Walmsley Gallery, FSU MoFA. In 2005, she mounted an invitational at the Gadsden Art Center entitled "Kiln Joy"  featuring glass, clay, metals, and enamel.  In 2003, she mounted two different exhibitions at the Merrill Lynch Offices entitled "Art in the Business Environment I and II." 

In 2007, she mounted "A Glass Act" at the Florida Capitol which displayed the variety of ways that glass may be manipulated whether cold, warm, or hot. In 2002, She mounted an exhibition called "Synergy"  featuring members of the Artists' League FSU MoFA  at the Claude Pepper Museum. 

Terrie’s work is found in several permanent collections: The Florida State University MoFA Permanent Collection as part of the Sonia and Stanley Cohen Collection, The Florida Department of State, and the Florida House of Representatives.  Her work is also found in private collections.

Currently, Terrie’s glass work is represented by Kittrell/Riffkind Art Glass in Dallas, Texas. Her paintings are found in  the Jean Gard Fletcher Museum Shop at the Gadsden Art Center and Museum in Quincy, FL. Over the years, her work was also represented at Thomas Eads Fine Art, The Gallery Shop at LeMoyne, the Signature Art Gallery (all in Tallahassee) and the Bender Gallery in Asheville, N. C.


"I love to paint! I love the way paint smells, the way it feels, the way it moves, the way it caresses a surface. I use traditional painting and drawing techniques combined with personal mark-making to create abstract and expressive pieces. I work intuitively and in several different mediums - Encaustic, Oil and cold wax, and layered Graphite. I also create encaustic monotypes.  I  experiment with a variety of non-traditional tools such as needles, bowl scrapers, skewers, nails, and dental implements. On the paintings,  I use a variety of drawing materials and may utilize different types of  papers.  My process is not unlike a visual jazz - each stroke elicits the next as layer after layer is applied to a substrate. I continue in this fashion until the painting reveals itself."

— Terrie Corbett